Sunday, February 3, 2008

Im to lazy to write more...

Here is the latest news from the southern reaches:
  1. I have been asked to help sail a boat back to Puerto Montt in March. Although I would love to do the 6 week voyage, I don’t think the timing will work out. There is a possibility of just doing a partial journey….Ill keep you updated.
  2. The internet has been down for a week or so.
  3. We have actually had a steady stream of guests here keeping up fairly busy.
  4. More riding horses and hiking in the mountains…the usual.
  5. I took a short three day backpack into the mountains and relaxed.
  6. Slam shifting in the minibus.
  7. I am the local trail construction expert and have planned the building of puncheons in Omora Ethnobotanical Park.

1 comment:

Blue Sky said...

Hope you can take at least part of the voyage; that's awesome!! Good to hear the tourists are rolling in. Keep on, keepin' on!! We love reading your news. Blue Sky