Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It blows my mind

As Jasper would say...my mind was blown yesterday. It is cloudy, rainy, and snowy most of the time here, at least so far. This makes it easy to forget how incredible the mountains and the landscape here are. We were driving back from sailing and the clouds broke a little and I was able to see again how large, impressive, and numerous the mountains are around here. It blew my mind really. This place would make for some incredible and easily accessable backcountry sking.

1 comment:

mspaulson said...

Hi Brian O'Thomasey,

I'm enjoying your account of what is happening on this grand adventure of yours. Great entries. The pictures so far are wonderful - both of Guatemala and Patagonia. My favorite picture however is of you laughing on your blog - I know things are going well for you when I see that!

The Beatles and pizza...just like home!

Take care and keep on blogging!