Saturday, October 27, 2007


Well, another week has passed. Las week we took the night bus to Tikal. It wasn't a chicken bus which was great, but it was a 9 hour ride. We arrived in a small town called Flores and were pretty wiped out. We spent the rest of that day recovering and hanging out in the town. The next day we went to check out the Myan ruins at Tikal. They were pretty amazing. The park was larger than I expected with many trials winding through the dense jungle. The pyramids are huge and rise over 60 meters. They even let you climb up some of the temples via very steep stairs. They are actually more like ladders I guess. Anyways, it was a great time. We decided to splurge and take the airplane back to Guatemala City. We figured the $100 price difference was worth saving 8 hours of bus time.

On another note, I have started posting pictures on my flickr site. The link is over on the right side of my blog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Check it out.


Matto said...

Nice pics bro. Amazing! Does booze you won taste better than booze you bought?

Brian, Brain, B-town, Ginger, Mississippi Jim, etc. said...

Yes, there is a certain satisfaction knowing the booze was free. Today we go to another Rotary meeting. Hopefully it will be as fruitful as the first!